花画像 花画像

New York Botanical Garden X SNIDEL HOME

2022 Summer Collection In colors and ambiances of the young summer

When you are relaxing in your room or lying in bed.
Even when you’re by yourself, you still want to wear your favorite things.
In those times, you’ll want a beautiful silhouette and
exciting motif just as much as an irresistibly comfortable feel and

SNIDEL HOME's BEAUTY HOME DRESS meets these complex desires.
Skin care is also achieved by infusing botanical essences into the fabric.

Consistently placing great importance on sustainability,
SNIDEL is well-positioned to provide this lifestyle.
Raise your body and spirit, enjoy the special moments,
with an item that refines your sense of beauty as you wear it.

モデル画像 Beauty time at home

SNIDEL HOME's BEAUTY HOME DRESS meets these complex desires.
Skin care is also achieved by infusing botanical essences into thefabric.

Covered in the               rhythms of early summer by Snidel Home Covered in the             rhythms of early summer by Snidel Home
Feel the summer

In those times, you’ll want a beautiful silhouette and exciting motif just
as much as an irresistibly comfortable feel and functionality.

Be beautiful while sleeping

Raise your body and spirit, enjoy the special moments,
with an item that refines your sense of beauty as you wear it.

1891年に設立されたニューヨーク植物園は世界で最も包括的な植物園です。 設立当時から250エーカーの美しいアーバンオアシスを入念に管理し、 世界をリードする植物研究所となり植物の保全プログラムを創出してきました。 比類ない研究用植物のコレクションを収集し、リビング・ミュージアムとして植物園を訪れた何百万もの幅広い年齢層の人々に、 植物の世界を慈しみ、敬意を払うことの大切さを伝えてきています。  ©2022 The New York Botanical Garden